playing a sport in London

Sports you can play in London

Looking for a team or information on where to play a certain sport in London?......You have come to the right place click on the links below relevant to the sport you want to play. 


American Football in London American Football: British American Football Association (April to September)


Australian rules football in London Australian Football: Putney MagpiesWimbledonLondon SwansNth LondonWest London Wildcats, Wandsworth (April to August)


Basketball in London Basketball: England Basketball (Sept to April, although there are summer basketball comps)                        


Baseball in London Baseball: British Baseball Association (April to September)                                       


cricket in London Cricket: MiddlesexSurrey CricketSurrey Championship, Thames ValleyKent Cricket league (April to September)      


croquet in London Croquet: South East Croquet Association (April to September)                                  


football in London Football: The Football Association (September to May although there are summer football competitions)                


gaelic football in London Gaelic Football: London Gaelic (April to September)  


golf in London Golf: Golf Today           


handball in London Handball: England Handball


hockey in london Hockey: England Hockey (September to March)          


ice hockey in London Ice Hockey: England Ice Hockey Association (October to May)        


lawn bowls in London Lawn: Lawn Bowls


la crosse in london La Crosse: English LaCrosse (October to April)    


netball in London Netball: onenetball, Nth London Netball League (Can play all year round)


pentanque in London Petanque: London Petanque


polo in London Polo: Horse Polo


rowing in London Rowing: Thames Water Sports                           


rugby league in London Rugby League: London Rugby League (All year round the Rugby League Conference plays over Summer)          


touch rugby in London Rugby (Touch): London Touch Rugby (May to September)


rugby union in London Rugby Union: London Rugby Union (August to April)            


sailing in London Sailing: River Thames Water Sports


softball in London Softball: Baseball and Softball UK (April to August)               


squash in London Squash: Squash Player


Table tennis in London Table Tennis: England Table Tennis Association


tennis in London Tennis: London Tennis                   


ten pin bowling in London Ten Pin Bowling: Ten Pin Bowling


water polo in London Water Polo: London Swimming