escaping London in December

UK Events in December 

Burning the clocks Burning the Clocks (Brighton)

Burning the Clocks (Brighton)

Held on the shortest day of the year, 'burning the clocks' welcomes in the new sun. An amazing procession of luminous lanterns makes its way through the streets and down to the beach, where the lanterns are burned on the bonfire and an amazing fireworks display takes place.


Hogmanay Hogmanay New Years Party (Edinburgh)

Hogmanay New Years Party (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Edinburgh's Hogmanay Party is three days of spectacular events, inredible bands and amazing crowds from all over the world. As well as the infamous Street Party on the 31st, other events include a Torchlight Procession, a huge outdoor ceilidh, a concert in the gardens, firework displays, and much more. 


European Events in December

st nicholas eve St Nicholas Eve (Prague, Czech Republic)

St Nicholas Eve (Prague Czech Republic)

Every year on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, a group of people dress up in costumes representing the Angel, the Devil and St. Nicholas. The characters pass through the street, asking children if they have been good or not. The children that have been well behaved (and they might have to sing a song or recite a poem to prove it) will recieve sweets and chocolate, but those that have been bad will be given potatoes and coal instead, or taken in the Devil's sack to hell (of course that never really happens!)


festival of lights lyon Festival of Lights (Lyon, France)

Festival of Lights (Lyon, France)


excalade, geneva Excalade (Geneva, Switzerland)

Excalade (Geneva)


christmas Markets Europe Selected Christmas Markets

Cologne, Germany (Nov 25 - Dec 23)  Hamburg, Germany (Nov 25 - Dec 23)  Heidelberg, Germany (Nov 25 - Dec 22) Dortmund, Germany (Nov 21- Dec 23) Lille, France (Nov 21 - Dec 30) Maastricht, Netherlands (Nov 30 - Dec 30) Basel, Swizterland (Nov 28 - Dec 23)


