In terms of opportunities the London job market must be one of the best in the world. Multi-national companies like to have a base here and a transient community ensures opportunities are always opening up. It is a great place to build a career with a broad range of industries having a sizable presence in the capital.
It is important to develop a job search strategy when looking for work in London and to do this you should look at a range of job seeking avenues such as: Online Jobsites (advertised Jobs), Recruitment Agencies, Direct Approach and Networking.
All industries and job roles will vary in what's the best way to find work. Example If you are a teacher, it is very easy to just go through a couple of teaching recruitment agencies, however, if you are an architect you may need a mixed approach using all of the job seeking methods (recruitment agencies, direct approach, online jobsites)
It is important to Tailor your CV for the different roles/positions you are targeting to best sell yourself. Make sure it is free of spelling and grammar mistakes. The best way of tailoring your CV for a role is to have a "Key Skills and Experience" section with 5-6 bullet points. The idea is to use those bullet points to highlight your strengths that are relevant to the job description for the role you are applying for. E.g if the job description is asking for someone multi-lingual and you speak fluent German, highlight that as one of the bullet points.
If you are relocating make sure you research your profession prior to arriving, check that your qualifications are relevant to the UK market as some industries will have a registration process that can be time consuming and can restrict you from working in your trade while this process is completed.
Use the website payscale as well as the knowledge of recruitment agents to get an idea of what you should be looking to earn money wise.
Listen to Taxman will enable you to work out how much money you will get in your hand under the pay as you earn tax system.