
Welcome to our attractions directory. Here you will find attractions to London you may want to visit. We recommend developing your own bucket list to help with planning.

Chessington World of Adventure theme park and Zoo, is a place where you can enjoy a day of animals with rides.

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Attractions  Animal/Nature  Best children attractions  Theme Parks 

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Region: South West

The London Dungeon shows the gruesome side of London using actors, rides and special effects to scare the hell out of unsuspecting visitors. Learn about the dark side of London such as The Plague, Jack the Ripper, the great fire of London etc

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Attractions  Best children attractions  Must see attractions  Theme Parks  Merlin Bulk 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South East

Speakers Corner, London’s home of free speech comes alive every Sunday where those wishing to express their views elevate themselves on stands and argue, preach and discuss whatever is on their mind.

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Hyde Park
Region: West

Tower Bridge is one of London’s most amazing and arguably beautiful pieces of architecture with the bridge able to lift up to allow for ships to pass through.

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Attractions  Historic Attractions  Venue Tours  Viewing London Attractions  London Pass 

Rating: Unrated
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Tower Bridge
Region: South East

Trafalgar Square is a destination to celebrate major events/moments as well as a place for protestors to demonstrate and rally for a variety of reasons and causes.

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Attractions  Historic Attractions  Free Attraction 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: Unknown

Witness justice and court cases first hand at this famous venue that has sent endless criminals to jail including the Kray Twins and Geoffrey Archer. Note you are unable to bring in cameras, mobile phones or large bags into the courts.

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Attractions  Historic Attractions  Free Attraction 

Rating: Unrated
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St Pauls
Region: Unknown

London Bridge and Tombs is a fascinating site with history dating back past 2000 years. It also has a gruesome history with William Wallace being the first of many to have had his head displayed on the bridge.

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Attractions  Best children attractions  Must see attractions  Theme Parks  Venue Tours  London Pass 

Rating: Unrated
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London Bridge
Region: South East

The London Eye is a 135m tall Ferris wheel on the Thames and is an attraction every Londoner and visitor should experience. On clear days the view can extend out as far as Windsor in the West and the Sea in the East as well as taking in sights of London.

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Attractions  Must see attractions  Viewing London Attractions  Best children attractions  Merlin Bulk  Other Specials 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South East

The London Wetland Centre is the best urban site in Europe to watch rare and beautiful wildlife including Bitterns, King Fishers and Water Voles. This attraction is great for kids, a dream for bird watchers and those wanting a interesting walk.

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Attraction Categories
Attractions  Animal/Nature  London Pass 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South West

Despite being miles away from the ocean, the heart of London is home to all sorts of strange sea creatures at one of the world best aquariums. Get up close to fascinating fish, sea turtles and of course lots of sharks at the London Aquarium.

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Attractions  Animal/Nature  Merlin Bulk  Other Specials 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South East

London Zoo (Regents Park) is the world’s oldest and home to over 12000 different animals. Highlights include the gorilla Kingdom, South American rainforest look out, meet the monkey’s exhibit, penguins and animal adventure for children.

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Attraction Categories
Attractions  Animal/Nature  Best children attractions  London Pass 

Rating: Unrated
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Regents Park
Region: North West

Mudchute Farm and Park is the largest city farm in London and possesses great views across London. If you are a stranger missing a pig, sheep, cow, turkey, donkey,horse or any other feathered or fury creature you might find on a farm then visit Mudchute.

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Attraction Categories
Attractions  Animal/Nature  Free Attraction 

Rating: Unrated
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Isle of Dogs
Region: East

Syon Park is opposite Kew Gardens on the other side of the Thames and includes interesting gardens,a butterfly enclosure and historic mansion. A great day of entertainment for the kids.

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Attraction Categories
Attractions  Animal/Nature  Historic Attractions  London Parks 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: West

Bordering the Thames, Battersea Park boasts a lake for fishing (must obtain permit) and row boating, a children’s zoo, gallery and excellent facilities for sport. The park also runs music concerts and barbecues during the summer.

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Attraction Categories
Attractions  Animal/Nature  London Parks  Free Attraction 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South West

Brewery tours are always fun and this one does not disappoint with an hour tasting session included in the tour but of course you would go to really understand how the beer is made!

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Attractions  Venue Tours 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: West

Explore the mind and history of William Shakespeare in the museum and tour of the Globe Theatre. The venue recaptures a traditional theatre experience where you can boo, hiss and heckle the actors as in past times.

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Attractions  Venue Tours  London Pass  Other Specials 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South East

Lego Land is a theme park for young children,based in Windsor, and built around the world famous building bricks for children and dorky adults. Lots of rides for the juniors. Suggestion: A visit to Legoland should also encompass a trip the awe-inspiring Windsor Castle.

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Attraction Categories
Attractions  Best children attractions  Theme Parks 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: Unknown

Thorpe Park is one of the premier fun parks in the UK and is located at Staines which is around an hour journey from London. Here you will find lots of rides to keep you occupied and the adrenalin running.

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Attractions  Theme Parks 

Rating: Unrated
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Region: South West

Madame Tussauds is a museum of Life like wax statues of famous figures.Those who love celebrities will love this museum, while those who don’t might find the wax figures sometimes have a better personality than the character they are portraying.

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Attractions  Best children attractions  Museums in London  Attractions Top  Top 20 Attractions  Merlin Bulk  Other Specials 

Rating: Unrated
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Baker Street
Region: North West

St Pauls Church is over 300 years old and is an architectural masterpiece, famous London Landmark and significant historical icon with Winston Churchill’s funeral and Prince Charles and Diana’s wedding being just a few events that have occurred here.

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Attractions  Must see attractions  Historic Attractions  London Pass  Other Specials 

Rating: Unrated
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St Pauls
Region: Unknown